Title: A contemporary journey of a city: Crossing margins of space and identity in Lima
Authors: Claudia Amico
Year: 2005
Abstract: This journey is an attempt to understand the urban context of a city as dictated by social and political spheres, traveling through a symbolic route. A route going from the Centre to the Periphery: from the planned urban middle-class estates to the anarchically developed poor neighbourhoods. A city which has undergone radical demographic expansions and urban deformations as a result of neoliberal politics of development; Lima is traveled by entering each of these spaces accompanied by someone local, sharing the experiences and feelings of locals. It is a personal journey where the author returns to a city where her situation as an architect who remembers little of having being born and having lived there, and therefore views the complexity with an eye trained in a western world. There is an underlying desire to find her own place in the city and evaluate the situation at an urban and emotional level through her experiences and those of different citizens; and by doing so, reflecting on the future of a population which expands and transforms vertiginously.
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