Pritika Akhil Kumar, MArch Dissertation, 2017. India is a country in transition. As the Indian population catches up with the developed world, its needs have begun to go beyond the bare necessities of “roti, kapda, makaan” (food, clothing, housing). In this scenario, there is a strong need for an environment that encourages free conversation and active citizenship.
China Chapman, MArch Dissertation, 2020. Colonialism has ultimately shaped the way Africans perceive themselves and how Africa itself is perceived by the rest of the world. This consequently creates social and spatial outcomes which are important to architectural discourse. The purpose of this research is to better understand […]
Lydia Whitehouse, MArch Design Project, 2020. Over the past decade, institutions in the West have been increasingly expected to recognise their past and present links to colonialism, as an act of care to the multicultural societies they serve. However, the UK Government has remained largely silent […]
Claudia Amico, DipArch Dissertation, 2005. This journey is an attempt to understand the urban context of a city as dictated by social and political spheres, traveling through a symbolic route.