Interview Rachel Sara

In this short interview, Rachel Sara gives her testimonial about the feminist pedagogy at SSoA, the approach at the time she was studying there and the legacy it had in her teaching practice. In addition, she talks about The Pink book, the current situation of architectural education in its relation to feminism, and the main impacts of feminist pedagogy in students’ future practice. Towards the end of the interview, Rachel tells us how she imagines a future feminist school of architecture.

Dr Rachel Sara is Oscar Naddermier Professor of Architecture at Birmingham City University. She undertook her architectural studies at Sheffield School of Architecture, finishing her PhD in 2004, which explores the studio and live projects in the context of education theory and praxis, with a theoretical and methodological feminist approach. During the course of her PhD, she published The Pink book in 2002, a feminist manifesto for architectural education. Sara’s research interests explores ‘other’ forms of architecture and pedagogy, specifically examining architecture without architects, the relationship between architecture and dance, feminist pedagogy and hands-on, community based architectural activism, with a range of publications related to these topics.