Title: Affective Urban Practices: a feminist approach to the ethics of care and creativity in contemporary urban practice
Author: Kim Trogal
Year: 2009
Abstract: Affective Urban Practices is a work interested in how creative spatial practices can give rise to an increased capacity to affect and be affected. The study valorises ‘care’ as a specific affective logic of the ‘feminine’ as a means to work with collective space. The work gathers literature in field of expanded practice (including participation and activism), theories from feminist knowledge politics and pedagogies, and critiques of site-specific public art, to explore the capacities of contemporary urban practices. Concludes with study of three practices that ‘care’ for public space to suggest that these mode of ‘urban caring’ can be seen as a form of affective labour, that produce social networks, forms of community and biopower (Hardt and Negri, 2000).

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