Title: Live LGBT

Authors: Armand Agraviador, Gopi Bhuptani, Yuting Dai, Nicola Dale
Richard Fennell, Yaying Feng, Elin Friberg, Valandis Kallis, Yu-Hsiang Lai, Niamh Lincoln, Kelly-Marie Rodgers, Katherine Wong and Yibo Yang

Coordination: Prof Simon Chadwick and Dr Florian Kossak

Year: 2013

Location: Sheffield, UK

Client: LGBT Sheffield

Abstract: LGBT Sheffield is a charity organisation linked to Sheffield City Council that aims to work with the existing services in the city to provide a wealth of support and information for people who fall within the diverse spectrum of minority sexualities and gender identities that are often referred to under the umbrella of the “LGBT Community”.

Live LGBT is a project that evolved out of the need for a dedicated space in the city centre that can cater to people of all ages within this category, many of whom are underrepresented and have limited access to support.  Working closely with LGBT Sheffield, existing support organisations and various community groups, the Live Sheffield team has explored potential strategies for what this space should be, how it should be organised and what relationship it should have with both the LGBT community and the wider population of Sheffield.