Open Kitchen or Cookery Architecture

Title: Open Kitchen or Cookery Architecture

Author: Kim Trogal

Year: 2007

Abstract: Open Kitchen or Cookery Architecture a theoretical and unrealised proposition to engage a group of women in urban regeneration right from the stages of planning down to detailed construction. The proposition outlines a methodology for participation in urban regeneration through socialising, cooking, eating and building where the domestic kitchen and cookery is taken as a paradigm for architecture and set as a hypothesis for a project. Domestic cookery is traditionally women’s everyday practice of making in the private sphere, which taken here as a theory, offers a model for architecture that is critical yet optimistic. The chapter presents the project as a ’feminine’ production of space, that allows for the engagement of ‘others’ and performs community of connection (Rose,1997). The chapter explores how the everyday practices of cooking might become a design tool, both practically, and as metaphor, as one that allows cultivation of difference, experimentation and participation.

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