Title: Our Place
Authors: Katherine Dauncey and Clare Timpani
Year: 2020
Abstract: Our Place is a new model of community centre that belongs on every highstreet in the country. This project offers an alternative response to current pressures facing the social care system while also offering a regeneration strategy for the declining highstreet.
Our Place is a safe space; a living room for the city. On a simple level it offers hot drinks and conversations. It offers free access to the bathroom and a space for breastfeeding mothers. For some, it is a place to catch up with a friend over a cup of tea and for others, it provides a sense of belonging, by enabling a much needed conversation with a trained health professional. On a deeper level, Our Place hosts a range of activities that aim to improve health, encouraging
people to engage with their wellbeing in a variety of ways
Our work within Cith Skelcher’s Invisible Cities Studio has attempted to reveal hidden hierarchies, power structures and inequalities that are embedded in the fabric of our city. To us, a feminist project, is one that adopts an ethics of care by considering the effect our actions have on others. We have worked within our feminist code of conduct, inspired by Rachel Sara’s 21 feminist practices and this code has ensured we have upheld our feminist agenda both within the Arts Tower and the community.