Climate Care is a collective initiative developed by Beatrice de Carli, Claudia Rojas Bernal, Emma Cheatle and Krzysztof Nawratek, as an interdisciplinary framework and a programme of activities linking together learning and teaching activities across the Sheffield School of Architecture’s Postgraduate Taught Programmes (MA in Architectural Design and MA in Urban Design) which started in academic years 2019/2020.
The notion of Climate Care refers to climate change as seen through the lens of a feminist ethic of care, which uses a relational and context-bound approach toward morality and decision making. Grounded in this perspective, the aim of Climate Care is to encourage postgraduate students to examine how their design choices can contribute to addressing the pressing question of global environmental change – be it in reference to the disciplines of architectural, urban, environmental or digital design. We hope that the outcomes of Climate Care will be published as a book, bringing together work by staff and students from the School’s Masters programmes.

Project Yellow Dust by C+arquitectos/In The Air. Developed for the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism in 2017. Available from:
The activities developed by Climate Care include: the Climate Care SSoA Postgraduate Symposium in November 2019; thematic studio briefs in the MA in Architectural Design and MA in Urban Design courses, and cross-programme reviews.