Interview Flora Samuel

In this short interview, Flora Samuel gives her testimonial about the feminist pedagogy at SSoA, the approach at the time she was Head of the School, her memories, and the legacy it had in her career. In addition, she talks about the current situation of architectural education in its relation to feminism, and the main impacts of feminist pedagogy in students’ future practice. Towards the end of the interview, Flora tells us how she imagines a future feminist school of architecture.

Flora Samuel is Professor at the University of Reading and was the first female Head of Sheffield University School of Architecture. The author of Why Architects Matter (2018), she has been awarded over £2million of research funding to investigate the positive impact of good design on people and to forward the case for research in practice. She was the first RIBA Vice President for Research and is lead author of the Social Value Toolkit for Architects (RIBA, 2020).