Interview Julia Udall

In this short interview, Julia Udall gives her testimonial about the feminist pedagogy at SSoA, the approach at the time she was studying and teaching there, her memories and the legacy it had in her career. In addition, she talks about the most challenging aspects of the feminist approach in architectural pedagogy and the main impacts on students’ future practice. Towards the end of the interview, Julia tells us how she imagines a future feminist school of architecture.

Dr Julia Udall is a Senior Lecturer in Architecture, at Sheffield Hallam University where she leads M.Arch fourth year, and History and Theory third year. She undertook a Master in Architecture, a PhD and postdoctoral studies at Sheffield School of Architecture. She has lectured across post-graduate and undergraduate Landscape Architecture, Town and Regional Planning, Urban Design and Architecture for over twelve years in different universities including SSoA, and has been invited to speak in academic institutions across Europe. Udall has worked in community and architectural practice for over fifteen years. She is a director of social enterprise architectural practice Studio Polpo, who is part of the British Pavilion Venice Architecture Biennale 2020 team (now postponed until 2021), curated by Unscene Architecture.