Title: Gardeners of Commons, for the most part, women
Author: Doina Petrescu
In: Relational Architectural Ecologies Architecture, Nature and Subjectivity, ed. by Pew Rawes (London: Routledge, 2013), Chapter 15. ISBN: 9780203770283 (ebk.)
Year: 2013
Abstract: The question of the commons is at the heart of current discussions about democracy. In some of their recent texts, Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri define the commons as something which is not discovered but produced: We call ‘biopolitical production’ the current dominant model to underline the fact that it involves not only a material production in straight economic terms, but also it affects and contributes to produce all other aspects of social life: i.e. economic, cultural and political. This biopolitical production and the increased commons that it creates, support the possibility of democracy today.