Title: Losing Control, Keeping Desire
Author: Doina Petrescu
In: Architecture and Participation, ed. by Peter Blundell Jones, Doina Petrescu and Jeremy Till (London: Routledge, 2005), pp.43-64. ISBN: 9780203022863 (ebk.)
Year: 2005
Abstract: “…we think any society is defined not so much by its contradictions as by its lines of flight, it flees all over the place, and it’s very interesting to try and follow the lines of flight taking shape at any particular moment.” G. Deleuze, ‘Control and Becoming’
The expression ligne de fuite – line of flight, of escape, leakage line – is borrowed from Guattari and Deleuze’s vocabulary to help us avoid the usual clichés about issues of participation in architecture. Rather than searching for major lines of historic relevance, our text flees away from the central ground towards minor case studies, notably a project-in-progress we are directly involved with in a small neighbourhood in Paris.