Title: The Political Potency of the Home – a study of feminist perspectives, ideologies, and approaches. Author: Ellie […]
Title: Where We Belong. How the queer and transgender spatial experience is framed by gender and heteronormative ideals. […]
Keren Obiuzu, MAUD Dissertation, 2020. The aim of this design thesis is to research how urban design practitioners can deploy design methods to support Makoko community in building resilience, with a deeper focus on the social urban issues faced by the community.
Shima Rezaei Rashnoodi, PhD Thesis, 2018. This research explores the ways in which Iranian women make their diasporic home in the context of Great Britain. The transient nature of diasporic homes provides a unique situation to be examined in relation to the notions of gender, identity, culture and homemaking.
Sarah Joyce, PhD Thesis, 2018. Birth spaces designed by architects are a relevantly recent invention in the history of childbirth. Sarah’s work critiques the production of such spaces via regulation and […]
Juan Wang, MAAD Dissertation, 2019. Breast-feeding in public space has been a social concern for a long time. The behavior itself not only occupies the physical space, but also interacts with the environment to form the social space form of the body. As a mother and an architect, the author […]
Nariza Hopley, MArch Dissertation, 2020. Central to this research, this dissertation argues that social constructs of the city have formed gender inequalities and gendered spaces.
Laura Jamieson, MArch Dissertation, 2020. As one of the few remaining gender-segregated spaces the public toilet represents a site of conflict in which gender expression is policed. In this essay, the author examines the potential conflicts and alliances between gendered bodies in public toilets within The United Kingdom.
Jessica Raynsford, MArch Dissertation, 2021. With the commercial benefits of diversity becoming increasingly acknowledged, statistics show that architecture in the UK is still a predominantly white, male profession.
Elizabeth Hardie, Design Project, 2021. This visual manifesto looks at the male privileged lens through which housing has been designed. There is a gendered and non inclusive precedent to housing design that is a prerequisite in our expectations of home.
Cressy Lopez, MArch Dissertation, 2018. The study began as an investigation borne out of the author’s own social conditioning. Embracing an identity within a society polluted exploring what it means to be a feminist catholic woman.
Kemba Beth Mitchell, Special Study Dissertation, 2020. Based on a review of key literature and two case studies, Cooking Up a Storm explores in detail the relationship between age, disability and gender and the impact these factors have on how kitchens are used and perceived.
Aisha Khan, Special Study Dissertation, 2020. This study outlines the evolution and transformation of ideas within British feminist architectural practices to assess the priorities of ideas within the field. Following this development of specific feminist […]
Bonnie Jackson, Special Study Dissertation, 2019. The last century has seen drastic changes to the roles women are permitted and afforded within society, yet discourse on gender in an architectural context only began within the last 50 years.
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