Nishat Awan, PhD Thesis, 2011. The term ‘diasporic urbanism’ addresses the difficulties of operating with diasporic space and of accommodating the material complexities of migrant lives. It proposes displacement and reterritorialisations as methodologies and ‘mapping otherwise’ as a tool […]

Article. Emma Cheatle and Catalina Mejía Moreno, in Harvard Design Magazine, 46, 2018. ‘To Manifest’ is product of the intersection with a collaborative, Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative (FAAC), and later published as ‘To Manifest’ […]

Alice Grant, Essay, 2019. Architecture is often seen to be a white man’s profession; this creates homogeneous architecture and cities which do not respond to the needs of a diverse society (Murray 2018). This paper, recognising […]

Book Chapter. Doina Petrescu, in Learn to Act: Introducing The Eco Nomadic School, ed. by K. Böhm, T. James and D. Petrescu, 2017. Our neoliberal capitalist times are marked by a crisis of reproduction not only of production, as the very basis on which things and life are produced is now under threat. Many citizens like us would like to become active […]

Kim Trogal, MPhil Dissertation, 2009. Affective Urban Practices is a work interested in how creative spatial practices can give rise to an increased capacity to affect and be affected. The study valorises ‘care’ as a specific affective logic of the ‘feminine’ as a means to work with collective space.

China Chapman, MArch Dissertation, 2020. Colonialism has ultimately shaped the way Africans perceive themselves and how Africa itself is perceived by the rest of the world. This consequently creates social and spatial outcomes which are important to architectural discourse. The purpose of this research is to better understand […]

Booklet. Ruth Morrow, A Bank of Ideas Publication, 2003. This is a booklet about a first year design studio in a school of architecture. It describes and reflects on changes that happened in the course over a three year period starting September 2000.

Book Chapter. Doina Petrescu, in Material Matters: Architecture and Material Practice, ed. by K. Lloyd Thomas, 2006. This paper, which focuses on the beginnings of the Cité des Femmes project, is written from a materialist position, which tries to bring together questions of matter and politics and to acknowledge […]

Book Chapter. Rachel Sara, in Writings in Architectural Education, ed. by E. Harder, 2001-2002. There is a gaping hole in the mainstream (malestream? (Weiner, 1994)) discourse about the role of gender, and indeed race, sexuality and disability in the architectural profession […]

Book Chapter. Doina Petrescu, in Relational Architectural Ecologies Architecture, Nature and Subjectivity, ed. by P. Rawes, 2013. The question of the commons is at the heart of current discussions about democracy. In some of their recent texts, Michael Hardt and Antonio NegriNdefine the commons as something which is […]