Title: The Political Potency of the Home – a study of feminist perspectives, ideologies, and approaches. Author: Ellie […]
Category Archive: DipArch Dissertation
Title: Where We Belong. How the queer and transgender spatial experience is framed by gender and heteronormative ideals. […]
Sigrid Muller, DipArch Dissertation, 2012. This dissertation draws upon feminist theory to discuss notions of form, matter, materiality and ‘gift giving’ within architectural practice. Connections between matter and mater (mother) […]
Kim Trogal, DipArch Dissertation, 2003. This thesis introduces the notion of ‘feminine’ tactics to explore the possibilities for change in everyday architectural practice.
Nishat Awan, DipArch Dissertation, 2003. The dissertation seeks to address the relationship between ‘architecture’ and ‘race’ and is based in my personal experience as a Pakistani who moved to UK at an early age. Here I address issues concerning ‘diasporas’ […]
Claudia Amico, DipArch Dissertation, 2005. This journey is an attempt to understand the urban context of a city as dictated by social and political spheres, traveling through a symbolic route.